Sea Fishing Lures

Sea fishing lures are used in many different ways.  When towed behind a powered boat it is called railing or trolling, when towed behind a rowed boat it is called wiffing or trolling so there is significant chance of confusion.

I personally prefer to use the cast and retrieve method from a boat, the shore or a jetty.  When using the cast and retrieve method it is important to retrieve in a manner which is similar to the normal movement of the creature the lure is supposed to look like.  It pays to watch carefully the movement of such creatures as shrimp, small fish, sand worms etc and then determine how best to make your lure act like that.

You are trying to fool a fish into believing that something you have thrown into the water is edible and escaping.  When you can do that succesfully you will have many tales to tell about the ones which didn’t get away.

Tight Lines.

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